Instructions on how to install your packaged app in Cherry Mobile Ace – FirefoxOS 1.3.
1. Go to Settings then locate Device Information > Developer > Remote Debugging > and Select ADB and DevTools.
2. Unlock your phone and disable automatic lock passcode.
3. Download, install ADB Fastboot Tools from this site:
4. Copy the folder and paste the desktop directory.
5. Open the Terminal and type CD ANDROID. Then type ./ (for the installation of ADB commands)
6. Download file: adb_usb.ini (Dropbox) from here
7. Copy and paste the file inside the Android folder.
8. Now we need to tell ADB to forward the port to the WebIDE or App Manager on Firefox browser to actually get started with debugging. To do that run this command:
adb forward tcp:6000 localfilesystem:/data/local/debugger-socket
9. Open your Firefox browser go to Tools > Web Developer > WebIDE
10. Select run-time then choose your phone.
11. Select package app and test.
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